Quick takes- November 2017

A Horse Walks into a Bar.  3 stars.  One night of a standup comic working through his demons onstage. In better hands, this could have been phenomenal, but it was just okay.

When Watched.  5 stars.  Killer short story collection. I’m in love with the writing and the characters. I think I could read anything she ever wants to write.

Seven Days of Us.  3 stars.  Love the premise, but gets too dramatic, then wraps up too neatly. Still a decent vacation/holiday light read.

The Locals.  5 stars.  Oh man, did I love this. Inventive storytelling, wide variety of characters. I’m a big fan of this author and this is my new favorite from him.

The Idiot.  3 generous stars.  Nothing happens in this book.

Startup.  4 stars.  Very sharp, funny, and insightful. It petered out a bit at the end, but overall a surprisingly strong novel.

City Mouse.  1 star.  Awful characters, even the ones you’re supposed to like. Extremely obvious and heavy handed story.

My Absolute Darling.  1 star.  I honestly don’t think I could hate a book more than I hated this one. I don’t know why people love this but I can’t say a single good thing about it.

We Are Okay.  3 stars.  Three stars from someone who doesn’t really like YA. So figure at least one more if you actually do.

See What I Have Done.  4 generous stars.  This is good, mostly because the story is good. So the credit really belongs to Lizzie Borden for that.

The Queen of the Night.  2 stars.  Very disappointing for me. The synopsis is interesting, a movie could be great, but actually reading it was a chore.

Loner.  5 stars.  Loved loved loved this. Works as a companion piece to You, in a way. You was entertaining and darkly funny, but Loner feels more authentic and true. A perfect representation of toxic masculinity in action.

Top picks: Loner, When Watched, The Locals